"Understanding Access and Refresh Tokens: Simplifying User Authentication"

"Understanding Access and Refresh Tokens: Simplifying User Authentication"

Learn how user and server communicate in login, logout, authorization etc.

Table of contents

  • Introduction to Access and Refresh Tokens

  • Why Access and Refresh Tokens are Necessary

  • How Access and Refresh Tokens Function

  • Conclusion

♦️ Introduction to Access and Refresh Tokens:-

\=>>Access and refresh tokens are unique strings generated by the server using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). While users possess both access and refresh tokens, the server retains only the refresh token.

  • Access Tokens: These tokens enable users to access resources and applications. They have a short validity period, usually lasting only a few minutes.

  • Refresh Tokens: Refresh tokens allow users to obtain a new access token. They typically remain valid for longer periods, often up to 24 hours.

♦️Why Access and Refresh Tokens are Necessary

🤔since, access token are valid for short time it expires in few minutes. so user need to login again. This repetitive login process can be disrupts user experience.😒

♦️ How Access and Refresh Tokens Function

😊To address the need for frequent logins, the concept of refresh tokens comes into play:

  • Process: When an access token expires, the server instructs the client to send its refresh token to a designated endpoint. The server then verifies this token against the one stored in its database. If the tokens match, the server generates a new set of access and refresh tokens using JWT. These tokens are sent back to the user's cookie as a response. Additionally, the newly generated refresh token is saved in the server's database for future use.

♦️ Conclusion:

Access and refresh tokens play a crucial role in enhancing user experience by reducing the necessity for repeated logins.

For a deeper understanding or detailed code explanations, you can visit this Link.

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